Monday, March 05, 2018

Profiling Execution Plans

In my previous blog post, I demonstrated how to identify the active lines in an adaptive execution plan on DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN so that I could profile behaviour. This post demonstrates a practical application of that technique. This statement comes out of the PeopleSoft Financials Multi-currency Processing. A process extracts groups of rows in elimination sets into a working storage table and joins that table to the ledger table for further processing. The number of rows extracted from the elimination set selector table (PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 in this case) can vary in a single process from a few to a few thousand. However, the process does regather optimizer statistics each time.
SQL_ID fwcdxjy41j23n
The changing literal values mean that every SQL statement has a different SQL_ID. SQL Baselines are not viable here. No one plan produces optimal performance, so a traditional SQL profile proscribing a particular plan is not the answer. Oracle moves between three adaptive plans depending at least partially upon the number of rows in the elimination table.
Plan hash value: 42743070
| Id  | Operation                              | Name               | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |                    |       |       |   237K(100)|       |          |       |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                         |                    |    13 |  1716 |   237K  (1)| 00:00:10 |       |       |
|-  2 |   HASH JOIN                            |                    |    13 |  1716 |   237K  (1)| 00:00:10 |       |       |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                        |                    |    13 |  1716 |   237K  (1)| 00:00:10 |       |       |
|-  4 |     STATISTICS COLLECTOR               |                    |       |       |            |       |          |       |
|   5 |      TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL         | PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 |    13 |   728 |   138   (2)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   6 |     PARTITION RANGE OR                 |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |KEY(OR)|KEY(OR)|
|   7 |      PARTITION LIST ITERATOR           |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|   8 |       TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| PS_LEDGER          |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|   9 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                | PSCLEDGER          |     1 |       | 18228   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|- 10 |    PARTITION RANGE OR                  |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |KEY(OR)|KEY(OR)|
|- 11 |     PARTITION LIST JOIN-FILTER         |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |:BF0000|:BF0000|
|- 12 |      TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL         | PS_LEDGER          |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |

Plan hash value: 3968216348
| Id  | Operation                              | Name               | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |                    |       |       |  1679K(100)|       |          |       |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                         |                    |    92 | 12236 |  1679K  (1)| 00:01:06 |       |       |
|   2 |   HASH JOIN                            |                    |    92 | 12236 |  1679K  (1)| 00:01:06 |       |       |
|-  3 |    NESTED LOOPS                        |                    |    92 | 12236 |  1679K  (1)| 00:01:06 |       |       |
|-  4 |     STATISTICS COLLECTOR               |                    |       |       |            |       |          |       |
|   5 |      TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL         | PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 |    92 |  5244 |   138   (2)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|-  6 |     PARTITION RANGE OR                 |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |KEY(OR)|KEY(OR)|
|-  7 |      PARTITION LIST ITERATOR           |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|-  8 |       TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| PS_LEDGER          |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|-  9 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                | PSCLEDGER          |     1 |       | 18228   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|  10 |    PARTITION RANGE OR                  |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |KEY(OR)|KEY(OR)|
|  11 |     PARTITION LIST JOIN-FILTER         |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |:BF0000|:BF0000|
|  12 |      TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL         | PS_LEDGER          |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |

Plan hash value: 386495123
| Id  | Operation                               | Name               | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                        |                    |       |       |  1763K(100)|       |          |       |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                          |                    |     1 |   132 |  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |       |       |
|   2 |   HASH JOIN                             |                    |  2105 |   271K|  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |       |       |
|   3 |    PART JOIN FILTER CREATE              | :BF0000            |  2105 |   271K|  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |       |       |
|-  4 |     NESTED LOOPS                        |                    |  2105 |   271K|  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |       |       |
|-  5 |      STATISTICS COLLECTOR               |                    |       |       |            |       |          |       |
|   6 |       TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL         | PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 |  2113 |   115K|   138   (2)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|-  7 |      PARTITION RANGE OR                 |                    |     1 |    76 |  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |KEY(OR)|KEY(OR)|
|-  8 |       PARTITION LIST ITERATOR           |                    |     1 |    76 |  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |   KEY |   KEY |
|-  9 |        TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| PS_LEDGER          |     1 |    76 |  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |   KEY |   KEY |
|- 10 |         INDEX RANGE SCAN                | PSCLEDGER          |       |       |            |       |      KEY |   KEY |
|  11 |    PARTITION RANGE OR                   |                    |    24M|  1743M|  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |KEY(OR)|KEY(OR)|
|  12 |     PARTITION LIST JOIN-FILTER          |                    |    24M|  1743M|  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |:BF0000|:BF0000|
|  13 |      TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL          | PS_LEDGER          |    24M|  1743M|  1763K  (2)| 00:01:09 |   KEY |   KEY |
Only a small proportion of statements run by the process are captured during AWR snapshots. With PeopleSoft, because there is so much dynamically generated non-sharable SQL, I generally recommend reducing the snapshot interval to 15 minutes and collecting the top 100 statements (the default is hourly and the top 30 statements), and even so we only have a limited number of samples with the larger statements more likely to be sampled.
We are already using SQL Profiles to apply optimizer parameters to this statement so I can identify entries in DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT by the matched profile, though I could also use the FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE. I will start by extracting the SQL statistics for all matching statements into a temporary working storage table, including the OTHER_XML from the SQL Plan
drop table my_stats purge;
create table my_stats as 
with s as (
 select s.dbid, s.sql_id, s.plan_hash_value, s.sql_profile, s.action
 ,      max(s.optimizer_cost) optimizer_cost
 ,      max(s.PX_SERVERS_EXECS_DELTA) px_servers
 ,      sum(ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA)/1e6 elapsed_time
 from   dba_hist_snapshot x
 ,      dba_hist_sqlstat s
 WHERE  s.SNAP_id = X.SNAP_id
 AND    s.dbid = x.dbid
 AND    s.instance_number = x.instance_number
 AND    s.module = 'GLPOCONS'
 and    s.sql_profile LIKE 'GLPOCONS_AD%B2%'
 and    s.plan_hash_value > 0
 group by s.dbid, s.sql_id, s.plan_hash_value, s.sql_profile, s.action
,      xmltype(other_xml) other_xml
FROM   s, dba_hist_sql_plan p
WHERE  p.dbid = s.dbid
and    p.sql_id = s.sql_id
and    p.plan_hash_value = s.plan_hash_value
and    p.other_xml IS NOT NULL
and = 1
select count(*) from my_stats 
I found it was necessary to break this up into two stages.  Otherwise, I got ORA-32036: unsupported case for inlining of query name in WITH clause. This could be a manifestation of Bug 19684504 - ORA-32036 executing WITH statement with XML (Doc ID 19684504.8)
set pages 99 long 10
break on sql_profile skip 1
column sql_profile     format a17
column op              format 999
column dis             format 999
column par             format 999
column dep             format 999
column skp             format 999
column plan_hash_value format 9999999999 heading 'PHV'
column px_servers      format 9999       heading 'PX|Serv'
column ecost           format 9999       heading 'Elim|Cost'
column lcost           format 99999999   heading 'Ledger|Cost'
column ecard           format 99999      heading 'Elim|Card'
column lcard           format 99999999   heading 'Ledger|Card'
column optimizer_cost  format 99999999   heading 'Opt|Cost'
column elapsed_time    format 9999.99    heading 'Elapsed|Time'
column object_name     format a18 
column elim_obj        format a7         heading 'Bloom?' 
column epoptions       format a14        heading 'Join|Options'
column epoperation     format a16        heading 'Join|Operation'
column eoptions        format a14        heading 'Elim|Options'
column loptions        format a20        heading 'Ledger|Options'
column options         format a20
spool dmk
with y as (
select /*+MATERIALIZE*/ x.*
,      xt.*
,      p.object_type, p.object_name
,      p.operation, p.options, p.cost, p.cardinality
from   my_stats x
,      xmltable('/other_xml/display_map/row' PASSING x.other_xml
       COLUMNS "OP" NUMBER path '@op',
               "DIS" NUMBER path '@dis',
               "PAR" NUMBER path '@par',
               "DEP" NUMBER path '@dep',
               "SKP" NUMBER path '@skp'
       ) xt
,      dba_hist_sql_plan p
where  xt.skp = 0
and    p.dbid = x.dbid
and    p.sql_id = x.sql_id
and    p.plan_hash_Value = x.plan_hash_value
and = xt.op
select x.sql_profile, x.sql_id, x.plan_hash_value, x.px_servers
,      e.object_name, e.options eoptions, e.cardinality ecard, e.cost ecost
,      l.options loptions, l.cardinality lcard, l.cost lcost
,      ep.operation epoperation, ep.object_name elim_obj
,      x.optimizer_cost, x.elapsed_time
From   my_stats x
,      y e
,      y l
,      y ep
WHERE  e.dbid = x.dbid
And    e.sql_id = x.sql_id
And    e.plan_hash_Value = x.plan_hash_value
And    e.object_name like 'PS_ELIM_CF_SEL%'
And    e.object_type = 'TABLE'
AND    l.dbid = x.dbid
And    l.sql_id = x.sql_id
And    l.plan_hash_Value = x.plan_hash_value
And    l.object_name = 'PS_LEDGER'
And    l.object_type = 'TABLE'
And    ep.dbid = x.dbid
And    ep.sql_id = x.sql_id
And    ep.plan_hash_Value = x.plan_hash_value
And    ep.dis = e.par /*parent of display line*/
ORDER by x.sql_profile, e.cardinality, x.optimizer_cost, x.elapsed_time
spool off
The SQL query to profile the plan will be different for each set of plans that I want to investigate. The query showing in this blog was developed for the plan I am investigating here. I am interested in three aspects of the execution plan, the access method for each of the two tables, and the method by which they are joined. So, I have to join each SQL stats sub-query (X) back to the execution plan sub-query (Y) three times, selecting a different row from the plan each time.
  • E: table access of PS_ELIM_CF_SEL% table, either by a FULL scan or it might be by ROWID if an index was used.
  • L: table access of PS_LEDGER table. This will either be a FULL scan or by ROWID if an index was used.
  • EP: parent of table access of PS_ELIM_CF_SEL%. This will either be a HASH JOIN or the creation of the Bloom Filter (:BF000). If I order the result by the cardinality of the PS_ELIM_CF_SEL% I can see how and when the plan changes as the number of rows retrieved from it (the cardinality) change.
                                               PX                    Elim             Elim  Elim Ledger                  Ledger    Ledger Join                           Opt Elapsed
SQL_PROFILE       SQL_ID                PHV  Serv OBJECT_NAME        Options          Card  Cost Options                   Card      Cost Operation        Bloom?       Cost    Time
----------------- ------------- ----------- ----- ------------------ -------------- ------ ----- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------------- ------- --------- -------
GLPOCONS_ADPB2001 b7hy0jfppdvn2    42743070     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      13   138 BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         1     18249 NESTED LOOPS                237379      .40
                  9yz896xyn5aky    42743070     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      51   138 BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         1     18249 NESTED LOOPS                930851     2.62
                  cbnz1jumm0x23    42743070     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      52   138 BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         1     18249 NESTED LOOPS                949101      .66
                  cmajgmuyc3hc3    42743070     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      92   138 BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         1     18249 NESTED LOOPS               1679071    21.89
                  3sbkyfwy6xk02  3968216348     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      92   138 STORAGE FULL                 1     18249 HASH JOIN                  1679071    51.95
                  27pxj6qu49zzr  3968216348     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      92   138 STORAGE FULL                 1     18249 HASH JOIN                  1679071    52.49
                  8nfbzan3hbzdg  3968216348     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      92   138 STORAGE FULL                 1     18249 HASH JOIN                  1679071    67.49
                  827sykfucq01t  3968216348     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      93   138 STORAGE FULL                 1     18249 HASH JOIN                  1697321    87.65
                  fmd3r4848nypk  3968216348     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      93   138 STORAGE FULL                 1     18249 HASH JOIN                  1697321    89.39
                  34h7j9rqf8y73  2660510816     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      97   138 BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         1   1763685 NESTED LOOPS               1763970     1.54
                  0cfqyuz79qd09   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      98   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    21.32
                  ff5hf8zpwhmd2   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      98   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    26.64
                  9j0m5gq5aqssz   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL      99   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    34.28
                  bzbqrc7bw768q    42743070     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL     102   138 BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         1     18249 NESTED LOOPS               1861564      .76
                  bjjx0fxmtqzzt    42743070     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL     102   138 BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         1     18249 NESTED LOOPS               1861564     3.66
                  aqcxt7par2a22  2660510816     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL     104   138 BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         1   1763685 NESTED LOOPS               1763970     9.57
                  4cfsq52xzftpz   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL     104   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    25.39
                  76hq9zbfrm599   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL     104   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    26.11
                  2b8ck8kpyrvhg   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL     104   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    35.71
                  6gtu9tauhp55y   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL     104   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    39.77
                  88kyxqx2qbjxg   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL    1021   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    21.73
                  dh39mtw8rga5s   386495123     0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2001 STORAGE FULL    2113   138 STORAGE FULL          24054654   1763685 PART JOIN FILTER :BF0000   1763970    40.26
I can see that the optimizer goes backwards and forwards between different plans at different times as the cardinality increases. Nevertheless, I can make some informed decisions about how to adjust the optimizer parameters for this statement with hints introduced by a SQL Profile.
  • I can change the point where the optimizer switches from to the full scan and bloom filter to a lower cardinality by increasing the cost of the index with a higher value optimizer_index_cost_adj.
  • I can enable automatic parallelism with parallel_degree_policy, scale the calculated degree of parallelism with parallel_degree_level, but limit the degree of parallelism with parallel_degree_limit. The threshold for parallelism can be set with parallel_min_time_threshold. The parallelism threshold can be set at a slightly lower cardinality than the switch to the full scan.
  • The settings can be tested using EXPLAIN PLAN FOR with the cardinality hint to set the number of rows returned from the PS_ELIM_CF_SEL% table
explain plan for
SELECT /*+cardinality(s 300)
set echo off trimspool on pages 999 lines 200 autotrace off
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display(null,null,'ADVANCED +ADAPTIVE -PROJECTION -PREDICATE -OUTLINE'));
When satisfactory values have been determined, they can be passed back into the SQL Profile.
sql_text    => sql_txt,
profile     => h,
name        => 'GLPOCONS_'||,
replace     => TRUE,
force_match => TRUE /* TRUE:FORCE (match even when different literals in SQL). FALSE:EXACT (similar to CURSOR_SHARING) */ 

Friday, March 02, 2018

How to Identify Active Lines in an Adaptive Execution Plan in DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN

When investigating performance problems I spend a lot of my time profiling ASH and AWR data. I sometimes want to join back to captured plans in DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN to see how an object was access, or which index was used, or how many rows the optimizer thought it would get.
From Oracle 12c, we can get adaptive execution plans where the optimizer considers different plans at runtime. Mostly it is a choice between either a nested loop or a hash join of tables.
For example, in the below execution plan, DBMS_XPLAN includes a note to say that inactive plans with a dash.  Thus we can see that the nested loop lookup of PS_LEDGER using the PSCLEDGER index was rejected in favour of a Bloom filter on a full scan of the ledger table.
SQL_ID bk26thygs9c8n

Plan hash value: 38031479
| Id  | Operation                              | Name               | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |                    |       |       | 18275 (100)|       |          |       |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                         |                    |     1 |   135 | 18275   (1)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|-  2 |   HASH JOIN                            |                    |     1 |   135 | 18274   (1)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                        |                    |     1 |   135 | 18274   (1)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|-  4 |     STATISTICS COLLECTOR               |                    |       |       |            |       |          |       |
|   5 |      TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL         | PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2002 |     1 |    59 |    25   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   6 |     PARTITION RANGE OR                 |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |KEY(OR)|KEY(OR)|
|   7 |      PARTITION LIST ITERATOR           |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|   8 |       TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| PS_LEDGER          |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|   9 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                | PSCLEDGER          |     1 |       | 18228   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|- 10 |    PARTITION RANGE OR                  |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |KEY(OR)|KEY(OR)|
|- 11 |     PARTITION LIST JOIN-FILTER         |                    |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |:BF0000|:BF0000|
|- 12 |      TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL         | PS_LEDGER          |     1 |    76 | 18249   (1)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
   - this is an adaptive plan (rows marked '-' are inactive)
When I come to look at this plan in DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN, I will find all 14 lines but there is no column in the view that indicates whether the line is active in the adaptive plan.
select id, operation, options, object_name, cardinality, cost from dba_hist_sql_plan 
where sql_id = 'bk26thygs9c8n' and plan_hash_value = 38031479

        ID OPERATION                      OPTIONS                        OBJECT_NAME        CARDINALITY       COST
---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------ ----------- ----------
         0 SELECT STATEMENT                                                                                1529564
         1 SORT                           GROUP BY                                                    1    1529564
         2 HASH JOIN                                                                                359    1529563
         3 PART JOIN FILTER               CREATE                         :BF0000                    359    1529563
         4 NESTED LOOPS                                                                             359    1529563
         6 TABLE ACCESS                   STORAGE FULL                   PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2002         360        172
         7 PARTITION RANGE                OR                                                          1    1529289
         8 PARTITION LIST                 ITERATOR                                                    1    1529289
         9 TABLE ACCESS                   BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID           PS_LEDGER                    1    1529289
        10 INDEX                          RANGE SCAN                     PSCLEDGER
        11 PARTITION RANGE                OR                                                   16845834    1529289
        12 PARTITION LIST                 JOIN-FILTER                                          16845834    1529289
        13 TABLE ACCESS                   STORAGE FULL                   PS_LEDGER             16845834    1529289
The information about whether a line in the execution plan is active and whether it should be displayed by DBMS_XPLAN is encoded in the display map inside an XML structure stored the OTHER_XML column on line 1 of the plan.
  <info type="nodeid/pflags">000000000001</info>
  <info type="adaptive_plan" note="y">yes</info>
    <hint><![CDATA[OPT_PARAM('_unnest_subquery' 'false')]]></hint>
    <row op="1" dis="1" par="0" prt="0" dep="1" skp="0"/>
    <row op="2" dis="2" par="1" prt="0" dep="2" skp="0"/>
    <row op="3" dis="3" par="2" prt="0" dep="3" skp="0"/>
    <row op="4" dis="3" par="3" prt="0" dep="3" skp="1"/>
    <row op="5" dis="3" par="3" prt="0" dep="3" skp="1"/>
    <row op="6" dis="4" par="3" prt="0" dep="4" skp="0"/>
    <row op="7" dis="4" par="3" prt="4" dep="3" skp="1"/>
    <row op="8" dis="4" par="3" prt="4" dep="3" skp="1"/>
    <row op="9" dis="4" par="3" prt="3" dep="3" skp="1"/>
    <row op="10" dis="4" par="3" prt="3" dep="3" skp="1"/>
    <row op="11" dis="5" par="2" prt="5" dep="3" skp="0"/>
    <row op="12" dis="6" par="5" prt="6" dep="4" skp="0"/>
    <row op="13" dis="7" par="6" prt="6" dep="5" skp="0"/>
OP is the plan line ID. SKP=0 indicates an active line. This data can be extracted as a set of rows and columns with the XMLTABLE function.
My thanks to Tim Hall. I was only able to work this out with the aid of his excellent article XMLTABLE: Convert XML Data into Rows and Columns using SQL and associated video.
(Update 5.3.2018): Since publishing this I have also found Martin Bach's Blog Adaptive plans and v$sql_plan and related views.
column plan_hash_value format 9999999999 heading 'PHV'
column op          format 999
column dis         format 999
column par         format 999
column dep         format 999
column skp         format 999
column object_name format a20
column operation   format a20
column options     format a20
column partition_start format a10 heading 'PStart'

with x as (
select  sql_id, plan_hash_value
,  xmltype(other_xml) xml_data
from dba_hist_sql_plan p
where sql_id IN ('bk26thygs9c8n')
and id = 1
and other_xml IS NOT NULL
), y as (
select sql_id, plan_hash_value
, xt.*
from x
,    xmltable('/other_xml/display_map/row' PASSING x.xml_data
       "OP" NUMBER path '@op',
       "DIS" NUMBER path '@dis',
       "PAR" NUMBER path '@par',
       "DEP" NUMBER path '@dep',
       "SKP" NUMBER path '@skp'
     ) xt
where xt.skp = 0
select y.* 
, p.object_name, p.operation, p.options, p.partition_start
from y
, dba_hist_sql_plan p
where p.sql_id = y.sql_id
and p.plan_hash_value = y.plan_hash_value
and y.op =
  • OTHER_XML is a CLOB, so it needs to be converted to an XMLTYPE before being passed to XML table.
  • We effectively make a Cartesian product between the row source of SQL plans in sub-query x, and XMLTABLE().
  • The XML structure is attributed rather than tagged, so you need the '@' in the path in the columns clause.
  • Inactive plan lines are filtered out with a criterion on SKP.
Now I have a SQL query that returns only the active rows in the execution plan. I can use this technique in other places to profile statements by aspects of the execution plan.
SQL_ID                PHV   OP  DIS  PAR  DEP  SKP OBJECT_NAME          OPERATION            OPTIONS              PStart
------------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------
bk26thygs9c8n    38031479    1    1    0    1    0                      SORT                 GROUP BY
bk26thygs9c8n    38031479    2    2    1    2    0                      HASH JOIN
bk26thygs9c8n    38031479    3    3    2    3    0 :BF0000              PART JOIN FILTER     CREATE
bk26thygs9c8n    38031479    6    4    3    4    0 PS_ELIM_CF_SEL2002   TABLE ACCESS         STORAGE FULL
bk26thygs9c8n    38031479   11    5    2    3    0                      PARTITION RANGE      OR                   KEY(OR)
bk26thygs9c8n    38031479   12    6    5    4    0                      PARTITION LIST       JOIN-FILTER          :BF0000
bk26thygs9c8n    38031479   13    7    6    5    0 PS_LEDGER            TABLE ACCESS         STORAGE FULL         KEY
I demonstrate a practical use of this technique in my next blog.