This has consequences for profiling DB time by execution plan line and then describing that line from a captured plan.
When statistics are collected online during either a create-table-as-select operation or the initial direct-path insert into a new segment. Below, I have different statements, whose execution plans have the same plan hash value, but actually differ. So, the differences are in areas that do not contribute to the plan hash value.- The first statement performs online statistics gathering, and so the plan includes the OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING operation, the second does not.
- Note also that the statements insert into different tables, and that does not alter the plan hash value either. However, if the data was queried from different tables that would have produced a different plan hash value.
SQL_ID c2dy3rmnqp7d7, child number 0
insert /*+APPEND*/ into T2 select * from t1
Plan hash value: 1069440229
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | | | 187K(100)| |
| 1 | LOAD AS SELECT | T2 | | | | |
| 2 | OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING | | 100M| 4291M| 187K (1)| 00:00:08 |
| 3 | TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL | T1 | 100M| 4291M| 187K (1)| 00:00:08 |
SQL_ID 5kr7cpvnmdwat, child number 0
insert /*+APPEND NO_GATHER_OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS*/ into T4 select * from t1
Plan hash value: 1069440229
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | | | 187K(100)| |
| 1 | LOAD AS SELECT | T4 | | | | |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| T1 | 100M| 4291M| 187K (1)| 00:00:08 |
I find that it is often useful to profile database time from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY (or v$active_session_history) by line in the execution plan, in order to see how much time was consumed by the different operations. I can then join the profile to DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN (or v$sql_plan) to see what is the operation for each line. So long as I also join these tables by SQL_ID, the answer I get will be correct, but I may not always get an answer.
column inst_id heading 'Inst|Id' format 99
column sql_plan_line_id heading 'SQL Plan|Line ID'
column sql_plan_hash_value heading 'SQL Plan|Hash Value'
column ash_secs heading 'ASH|Secs' format 999
break on sql_id skip 1
with h as (
SELECT h.dbid, h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_line_id, h.sql_plan_hash_Value
, SUM(10) ash_secs
FROM dba_hist_Active_Sess_history h
WHERE h.sql_plan_hash_value = 1069440229
AND h.sql_id IN('c2dy3rmnqp7d7','5kr7cpvnmdwat','g7awpb71jbup1')
GROUP BY h.dbid, h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_line_id, h.sql_plan_hash_Value
SELECT h.*, p.operation
LEFT OUTER JOIN dba_hist_sql_plan p
ON p.dbid = h.dbid
and p.sql_id = h.sql_id
AND p.plan_hash_value = h.sql_plan_hash_value
AND = h.sql_plan_line_id
ORDER BY 1,2,3
You can see that while all the plans have the same hash value, the plan that included the extra OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING operation produced a different full plan hash value.If the plan was not captured into AWR or is no longer in the library cache (as is the case for SQL ID g7awpb71jbup1), I don't get a description of the operations in the plan.
SQL Plan SQL Plan SQL Full Plan ASH
DBID SQL_ID Line ID Hash Value Hash Value Secs OPERATION
---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------------------
1278460406 5kr7cpvnmdwat 1 1069440229 2621293920 90 LOAD AS SELECT
1278460406 2 1069440229 2621293920 30 TABLE ACCESS
1278460406 c2dy3rmnqp7d7 1 1069440229 3552282137 170 LOAD AS SELECT
1278460406 2 1069440229 3552282137 10 OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING
1278460406 3 1069440229 3552282137 60 TABLE ACCESS
1278460406 1069440229 3552282137 20
1278460406 g7awpb71jbup1 1 1069440229 2621293920 90
1278460406 2 1069440229 2621293920 20
1278460406 1069440229 2621293920 10
Normally, I would look for another SQL_ID that produced the same plan hash value. FULL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE is recorded on V$SQL_PLAN, so I can join that to V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WITH h as (
SELECT h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_line_id, h.sql_plan_hash_Value, h.sql_full_plan_hash_value
, SUM(1) ash_secs
FROM v$active_session_history h
WHERE h.sql_plan_hash_value = 1069440229
AND h.sql_id IN('c2dy3rmnqp7d7','g7awpb71jbup1','5kr7cpvnmdwat')
GROUP BY h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_line_id, h.sql_plan_hash_Value, h.sql_full_plan_hash_value
), p as (
SELECT DISTINCT plan_hash_value, full_plan_hash_value, id, operation
from v$sql_plan
SELECT h.*, p.operation
ON p.plan_hash_value = h.sql_plan_hash_value
AND p.full_plan_hash_value = h.sql_full_plan_hash_value
AND = h.sql_plan_line_id
ORDER BY 1,2,3
SQL Plan SQL Plan SQL Full Plan ASH
SQL_ID Line ID Hash Value Hash Value Secs OPERATION
------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------------------
5kr7cpvnmdwat 0 1069440229 2621293920 2 INSERT STATEMENT
1 1069440229 2621293920 98 LOAD AS SELECT
2 1069440229 2621293920 24 TABLE ACCESS
c2dy3rmnqp7d7 0 1069440229 3552282137 6 INSERT STATEMENT
1 1069440229 3552282137 137 LOAD AS SELECT
2 1069440229 3552282137 46 OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING
3 1069440229 3552282137 74 TABLE ACCESS
1069440229 3552282137 1
g7awpb71jbup1 0 1069440229 2621293920 3 INSERT STATEMENT
1 1069440229 2621293920 93 LOAD AS SELECT
2 1069440229 2621293920 28 TABLE ACCESS
However, while the full plan hash value is recorded in the ASH data in AWR (in DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY), it is not on the plan history (DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN). So, for an execution plan that only sometimes includes online statistics gathering, the operations may not match correctly because the OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING operation changes the line IDs.WITH h as (
SELECT h.dbid, h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_line_id, h.sql_plan_hash_Value, h.sql_full_plan_hash_value
, SUM(10) ash_secs
FROM dba_hist_Active_Sess_history h
WHERE h.sql_plan_hash_value = 1069440229
AND h.sql_id IN('c2dy3rmnqp7d7','5kr7cpvnmdwat','g7awpb71jbup1')
GROUP BY h.dbid, h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_line_id, h.sql_plan_hash_Value, h.sql_full_plan_hash_value
), p as (
SELECT DISTINCT dbid, plan_hash_value, id, operation
from dba_hist_sql_plan
SELECT h.*, p.operation
ON p.dbid = h.dbid
AND p.plan_hash_value = h.sql_plan_hash_value
AND = h.sql_plan_line_id
ORDER BY 1,2,3
If I just join the ASH profile to a distinct list of ID and operation for the same plan hash value but matching any SQL_ID, I can get duplicate rows returned, starting at the line with the OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING operation because I have different plans with the same plan hash value. SQL Plan SQL Plan SQL Full Plan ASH
DBID SQL_ID Line ID Hash Value Hash Value Secs OPERATION
---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------------------
1278460406 5kr7cpvnmdwat 1 1069440229 2621293920 90 LOAD AS SELECT
1278460406 2 1069440229 2621293920 30 OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING
1278460406 2 1069440229 2621293920 30 TABLE ACCESS
1278460406 c2dy3rmnqp7d7 1 1069440229 3552282137 170 LOAD AS SELECT
1278460406 2 1069440229 3552282137 10 TABLE ACCESS
1278460406 2 1069440229 3552282137 10 OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING
1278460406 3 1069440229 3552282137 60 TABLE ACCESS
1278460406 1069440229 3552282137 20
To mitigate this problem, in the following SQL Query, I look for the plan in the shared pool if it is available, and failing that in AWR where I check that the maximum plan line ID for which I have ASH data matches the maximum line ID (i.e. the number of lines) in any alternative plan with the same hash value.WITH h as (
SELECT h.dbid, h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_line_id, h.sql_plan_hash_value, h.sql_full_plan_hash_value
, SUM(10) ash_secs
FROM dba_hist_Active_Sess_history h
WHERE h.sql_plan_hash_value = 1069440229
AND h.sql_id IN('c2dy3rmnqp7d7','5kr7cpvnmdwat','g7awpb71jbup1')
GROUP BY h.dbid, h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_line_id, h.sql_plan_hash_value, h.sql_full_plan_hash_value
), x as (
, MAX(sql_plan_line_id) OVER (PARTITION BY h.dbid, h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_hash_value) plan_lines
, p1.operation
LEFT OUTER JOIN dba_hist_sql_plan p1
ON p1.dbid = h.dbid
AND p1.sql_id = h.sql_id
AND p1.plan_hash_value = h.sql_plan_hash_value
AND = h.sql_plan_line_id
(SELECT p2.operation
FROM gv$sql_plan p2
WHERE p2.plan_hash_value = x.sql_plan_hash_value
AND p2.full_plan_hash_value = x.sql_full_plan_hash_value
AND = x.sql_plan_line_id
AND rownum = 1)
,(SELECT p3.operation
FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p3
WHERE p3.dbid = x.dbid
AND p3.plan_hash_value = x.sql_plan_hash_value
AND = x.sql_plan_line_id
AND p3.sql_id IN(
SELECT p.sql_id
FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p
WHERE p.dbid = x.dbid
AND p.plan_hash_value = x.sql_plan_hash_value
GROUP BY p.dbid, p.sql_id
HAVING MAX( = x.plan_lines)
AND rownum = 1)
) operation2
ORDER BY 1,2,3
Now, I get an operation description for every line ID (if the same plan was gathered for a different SQL_ID). SQL Plan SQL Plan SQL Full Plan ASH
---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
1278460406 5kr7cpvnmdwat 1 1069440229 2621293920 90 2 LOAD AS SELECT LOAD AS SELECT
1278460406 2 1069440229 2621293920 30 2 TABLE ACCESS TABLE ACCESS
1278460406 c2dy3rmnqp7d7 1 1069440229 3552282137 170 3 LOAD AS SELECT LOAD AS SELECT
1278460406 3 1069440229 3552282137 60 3 TABLE ACCESS TABLE ACCESS
1278460406 1069440229 3552282137 20 3
1278460406 g7awpb71jbup1 1 1069440229 2621293920 90 2 LOAD AS SELECT
1278460406 2 1069440229 2621293920 20 2 TABLE ACCESS
1278460406 1069440229 2621293920 10 2
However, this approach, while better, is still not perfect. I may not have sufficient DB time for the last line in the execution plan to be sampled, and therefore I may not choose a valid alternative plan.
Autonomous & Cloud Databases
Automatic online statistics gathering is becoming a more common occurrence.- In the Autonomous Data Warehouse, Oracle has set _optimizer_gather_stats_on_load_all=TRUE, so statistics are collected on every direct-path insert.
- From 19c, on Engineered Systems (both in the cloud and on-premises), Real-Time statistics are collected during conventional DML (on inserts, updates and some deletes), also using the OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING operation. Again, the presence or absence of this operation does not affect the execution plan hash value.
1 comment :
In 12c there is a new column in all the relevant tables: FULL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE.
It is not present in DBMS_XPLAN output, but that value is different for the different plans. (I did a quick test)
Use it. It will solve the problem you described in this post.
Numeric representation of the **current** SQL plan for this cursor. Comparing one PLAN_HASH_VALUE to another easily identifies whether or not two plans are the same (rather than comparing the two plans line by line).
Numeric representation of the **complete** SQL plan for this cursor. Comparing one FULL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE to another easily identifies whether or not two plans are the same (rather than comparing the two plans line by line). Note that the FULL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE cannot be compared across databases releases. It is not backward compatible.
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